Wednesday 25 November 2015


We have been attending swimming lessons at Canterbury Swim School.  We are learning lots of new skills and getting in a lot of practice!

We are looking forward to Friday's survival skills session!


Tuesday 17 November 2015

Making Masks

This term for Art we made masks. 
First we looked at why people wear masks.  We came up with the following ideas:
* For performing (dances, acting, plays, dress ups)
* Breathing (snorkeling, scuba diving, firemen, astronauts)
* Protect you (nurses, dentists, doctors, fireman)
* Disguises (superheroes, masquerade balls)

We looked at photos of different masks on the internet.

We had to plan our own masks first.  We each chose a theme and designed a mask to suit our theme.

Lastly, we got to make our masks!

We think they look fantastic!


Saturday 17 October 2015

Samantha's lamb comes for a visit....

Samantha from Room 13 brought one of her lambs to school yesterday. It is a female lamb and is called Elliot. She is 7 weeks old. Elliot drinks milk, and eats grass and sheep pellets. We all had a turn to pat her and some of use were lucky enough to get to feed her the milk from a bottle. We thought it was funny when Elliot went to the toilet right in front of us! Thanks for bringing her in Samantha! We really enjoyed meeting her. :)

Thursday 3 September 2015

Art Attack: Next Thursday 3-6.30pm

We have been busy creating two lots of amazing weaving art creatures. 

Come along to the Art Attack to see our fantastic efforts!

Reading Activities

We have been learning the spelling rules to turn a singular just one) word into a plural (more than one).

We had to think of synonyms for the word angry and/or ways to 'show not tell' that someone could be angry....

Writing in paragraphs

We used our prior knowledge, and the internet and books to research an animal of our choice. We then wrote a report about that animal. We had to group our ideas together into paragraphs. 



Tuesday 11 August 2015

A busy start to Term 3

It has been a very busy term so far with Student Led Conferences, Te Reo Maori Week, Fire Drills and much more! Here is some of our work over the past three weeks.

Art Unit
We have been learning how to weave, why people weave and what everyday items are made by weaving.  So far we have created the above weaving sheets and some Weaving Creatures which will be displayed in our Art Attack Exhibition in Week 8.  Later this week we are starting some weaving involving wool and straws!

Geography Quiz
We have been busy learning the location of 28 different countries, all ready for the Geography Quiz this Friday!

We each wrote a space story over three days!  Mrs Robertson wanted us to include lots of details so she broke it into three sections.

Day 1:Getting to the rocket
Day 2: Flying around space
Day 3: Finding an alien on a planet

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Science: Light and Shadows

We have been learning how shadows are made. We know that light comes from a source. If you block that source with something it will cause a shadow. If the light is close to the object the shadow will be big. If the light is far away from the object that shadow will be small.
Click on the interactive activity to investigate how shadows are made!

Thursday 4 June 2015

Hard Work

Today we had some spare time before assembly.  We looked at the word hospital and tried
to find as many other words hidden inside it using the same letters. 
We came up with this list.  Splat was our only five letter word that we came up with. 
Can you think of any others? 

This week we started learning about light. 
We know that light is a form of energy and that it must come from a source. 
The sun is a natural source but light bulbs are man-made. 
We learned a fancy new word called LUMINOUS.  A luminous object is one which gives out light.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Oral Language Game

I went to the supermarket and I bought groceries beginning with the Letter C....

Capsicum, corn, cornflour, carrots, cornflakes, cream, chicken, cheese, cheeries, chocolate, chocolate ice-cream, cauliflour, cruskits, crackers, cookies, cucumber, cake, chocolate muffins, chocolate cakes, corn chips. 

I went to the supermarket and I bought groceries beginning with the Letter S...

Sausages, salt, sushi, sushi balls, sweets, sandwiches, soup, squid, salmon, spinach, spaghetti, sauce, steak, sugar, sherbert, skittles, sour snakes, smarties, salsa

Monday 25 May 2015

New Website

Please try this website at home to practise your learning.
Subtraction Picture Problems
Pop Up Math
Addition Picture Problems
Some of the Maths Games we have learned so far are...

Sunday 24 May 2015

Monkey Artwork

We followed the steps off of a You Tube clip to draw these monkeys.  We think they look fantastic!!!


We have been learning to create and identify patterns.

Can you guess what is under the black piece of card???

Thursday 7 May 2015

Book Week Dress Up Parade

Book Week: Dress Up Day
Look at all of our fabulous book character  costumes for Dress Up  Day!

Congratulations to Hamish (aka 'Emmet from Lego City') who won the 'Best Dressed' Award for Team Arawai.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Terrfic Writing

This week we worked on the same piece of writing for several days.

First we made a plan which included a picture of a character, a setting, a problem and a solution.  Then we added some key words to our plan.

The next day we started our story by setting the scene.  To do this we wrote 1-3 sentences describing the character and then 1-3 sentences describing the setting and what the character likes to do in the setting.

On the final day we wrote the problem and the solution.

Our finished stories were so amazing that Mrs Robertson read every single one out to the class.  She is going to type them up for us and we will illustrate them next week.

Here are two examples.

Tyson: Page 1
Tyson: Page 2
Alex: Page 1
Alex: Page 2

Autumn Trees

Last week we painted some Autumn Trees - even though some days it is starting to feel like Winter!

In Autumn the leaves on the deciduous trees change from green to red, yellow, orange and brown colours.  The leaves start to fall off of the tees.  They go dry and crunchy! 

Here are a few examples...