Thursday 26 February 2015

Korean Clothing

Miss Rachel taught us all about the clothes which people in Korea wear.  We learned about summer, winter,  celebration, royal and common clothes.

Miss Rachel DREW a male and female Korean outfit for us to colour in.  She told us that we were not allowed to use dark colours like black or brown as Korean clothes are always bright and colourful.

Miss Rachel stuck photos of our heads onto the costumes.

We think they look fabulous!

Monday 23 February 2015


We have been discussing what 'culture' is.  We brainstormed some ideas and then watched the below video to further our understanding.   Then we added to our brainstormed.


Next we looked at why countries have flags.  We had 13 different flags and had to colour them the correct colours.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Our Russley Community

For our Social Studies unit this term we have been looking at 'The Russley Community'. 

Our community starts in our own classroom so we have been looking at who we are. We have expressed our likes and dislikes through artwork and also made graphs during Maths which highlight some of the similartities and/or differences with others. We have written descriptions about ourselves in Writing and shared information about our families during Oral Language.  We also looked at a world map and talked about the different countries and cities within New Zealand we have come from, (or where our parents have come from).

Monday 16 February 2015

Poetry last week

Maths: Statistics

We have started off the term looking at statistics.  It is a great way to get to know each other and think about similarities and differences which ties in well with our Social Studies unit.

We have been learning to:
*gather data
*make picture graphs
*make tally charts
*make bar graphs
*interpret the graph (explain what the graph shows us)

Here are some examples of the super work we have been doing..


Last week the Giraffes read a book all about Mice.  They each made posters about mice which included:
* a heading
* pictures with labels
* at least three facts they found from the book

Here are some examples...

Thursday 12 February 2015

Team Arawai Spot

This year Team Arawai are playing sport against each other each week.

We have three classes so each week two classes will compete against each other.  The third class will  play a smaller class game or have a skills session.

The winner of the class battle will get to defend their title the following week against the other class.

This week Room 12 versed Room 13 in a hockey variation game and would you believe was a tie! 4-4!  Mr Ogston and Mrs Cooley will have a quick game before next session to decide the winner.

Room 11 were outside playing a simplified version of cricket against each other.  Riley was the captain of one team and Tyson was the captain of the other. Riley's team batted first and got 25 runs.  Tyson's team then batted and got.....30 runs!

It was lots of fun playing against each other.  We can't wait to verse Room 12 or Room 13 next week!

'All About Me' Bunting

Come and read our 'All About Me' Bunting....

Sunday 8 February 2015


'Pieces of Me' Artwork on PhotoPeach
Click on a picture to enlarge and then click the play button to scroll through the photos. 


Every Friday we do Poetry.  Mrs Robertson projects the poem onto the whiteboard and we look at the language used.  This week we focused on the rhyming words.  We know rhyming words sound the same but start with a different letter or blend.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Hard at work already....

Today we have been busy publishing our holiday stories which we wrote yesterday.  Mrs Robertson was proud of how well we copied the correct spelling and that we fixed up our mistakes instead of crossing things out.  (Click on the photos to enlarge.)

As you can see we are allowed to work at the standing table, kneeling table or at a desk - whichever makes us produce the best work!  

Come and read the rest of our stories displayed on the classroom wall.

Learning new maths games...

We have been learning how to play some new maths games...
Number Pop!
Pop the Balloons
Giant Snakes and Ladders
Puzzle Sums
Tens Gold