Wednesday 24 June 2015

Science: Light and Shadows

We have been learning how shadows are made. We know that light comes from a source. If you block that source with something it will cause a shadow. If the light is close to the object the shadow will be big. If the light is far away from the object that shadow will be small.
Click on the interactive activity to investigate how shadows are made!

Thursday 4 June 2015

Hard Work

Today we had some spare time before assembly.  We looked at the word hospital and tried
to find as many other words hidden inside it using the same letters. 
We came up with this list.  Splat was our only five letter word that we came up with. 
Can you think of any others? 

This week we started learning about light. 
We know that light is a form of energy and that it must come from a source. 
The sun is a natural source but light bulbs are man-made. 
We learned a fancy new word called LUMINOUS.  A luminous object is one which gives out light.