Monday 29 August 2016

Canterbury Cricket

Today Canterbury Cricket came to school and took all of Team Waka and Team Arawai for a cricket skills session.

First we played a warm up game called Snowball Tag, then we practised catching by making a 'big cup' for our hot chocolate ball and then bringing it into our chests.  Next we practised throwing...the best part was aiming to hit the coaches and Mrs Robertson! Finally we practised hitting the ball off of cones and fielding the ball in a mini cricket match.

We got given a really cool poster about cricket, an information slip in case we want to sign up for cricket, and our very own foam cricket ball to keep.

We had so much fun and lots of us are thinking of playing cricket at morning tea or lunchtime, or even joining a team!

Thanks Canterbury Cricket!
Cricket Skills on PhotoPeach

Sunday 28 August 2016

Learning About Salmon

We went to visit the salmon in Room 18.  Mr Ogston taught us a lot about them.  They start out as eggs in the fresh water by the mountains. After a few months they travel down stream to the salt water. They stay there for around eight years then travel back down the exact same stream to the fresh water to lay eggs and then they die.  Even scientists don't know how they remember the exact path to take back to the fresh water!

Firemen Visit

Friday 12 August 2016

Fundraiser - 'Calendar Art' (or other product)

Everyone has now finished their artwork and they look fantastic!

Vew your child's artwork on here (click to enlarge then scroll through), or you can view in person in the school office.

Then go to the office to order your child's work for yourselves, grandparents, family or friends.

The picture can be turned into a:
*note pad
*mouse mat
*greeting cards

Saturday 6 August 2016

Calendar Art

This term the school is producing Calendar Art as a fundraiser. Room 11 worked hard on their creations the past two days and a few have been finished! Stay tuned for all the finished artwork and for info on how to order your child's work on a calendar, diary, mouse pad, set of greeting cards or notepad.