Wednesday 3 February 2016


We have been learning about how to sort data (information).

First of all we needed a question.  Our question was:
'What pets do the children in Room 11 own?" 

Then we had to work out the best way to collect the data (information/answers).
We tried all yelling out our pets but Mrs Robertson couldn't hear everyone at once. 
We went around in the circle saying the pets one at a time but Mrs Robertson lost count.
Mrs Robertson ruled up a quick tally chart to help collect the data and then recorded everyone's answers. We could easily see the totals.  We learned that when you do tally marks you put every fifth tally through the middle - it makes it easier to count!

Next we made a picture graph to display the data. 
We each coloured in the pictures of the types of pets we own and put them on the piece of paper.  We could tell straight away that there were more cats than any other pet because the line was much higher.  Mrs Robertson said we had to put some labels and titles on the graph because otherwise people wouldn't know what they were looking at.

The last thing we did was understand and interpret the data (discussed the results).  You can read these on the graph.

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