Friday 12 February 2016

Writing Challenge #2

Your challenge this week is to..... 
describe your favourite sport!
See if you can use the joining word 'because' to explain why you like it so much!
You can choose any sport not just the ones pictured.

Extra for experts: Include two adjectives (describing words)


  1. My favourite sport is swimming because I like diving under the water and picking up special underwater toys. I also swimming because it cools me down on a hot day, it is very refreshing.

  2. My favourite sport is ballet because I love to dance and wear pretty costumes. It is very fun dancing with my friends and my ballet teacher it makes me very happy. My teachers name is Miss Nadia. I also love to swim.

  3. My favourite sport is gymnastics because I love to swing and hang on the bars. Some of the bars are high and some of the bars are low. I pull myself up to the bar and with straight legs and go over backwards. It is fun. I also love gymnastics because I wear a sparkly purple leotard. After lots of practice I could win a golden trophy or blue ribbon or silver medal. My second favourite is athletics because I just love running.

  4. My favorite sport is badminton because it is fun. I have my own racket and shuttle. It helps me to improve my concentration. I am learning to hold the racket and aim for the shuttle. We have to keep the shuttle in the air and inside the court. Badminton helps me stay fit and active. My another favorite sport is swimming because I love water.

  5. my favourite sport is swimming because I love putting my head under the water but I need goggles. I love diving and doggy paddle, but I keep sinking. I love running in middle distance and last year I came third.

  6. Each Wednesday and Saturday I do high jump, long jump, 200 metres and shot put at athletics. I do it at Burnside on Wednesdays and on Saturday I do it at New Brighton. I love athletics because you can get a pendant if you work hard.
