Friday 11 March 2016

Writing Challenge #4

Your challenge this week is to tell me what you can see through the binoculars!  Be as creative as you want!  Is it a dinosaur? The beach? A dragon?  The stars?

Don't forget adjectives (describing words) and joining words to help add details. 

Through the binoculars I can see....


  1. I can see Mrs Robertson through the binoculars. She is at the beach and there is a seal chasing her. The rocks crumbled. She ran and ran to her car and she managed to get away. Then she went to the ice cream shop and had an ice cream. This made her feel much better.

  2. I can see a dinosaur. It has got a great sense of smell and he has red eyes. He can see things that are really far away. My dinosaur can stomp his feet very loudly and shakes the earth. When he runs he is super super super speedy, even faster than a jet plane. His skin is knobbly and is all the colours of the rainbow. Other dinosaurs run away from him when he ROARS ferociously! His favourite foods are meat and ice cream. I really love my dinosaur.

  3. Through the binoculars I can see a gigantic volcano that is beginning to explode. The volcano is called Mt Everest and I can see it through the jungle. I can see a new tap dancing shoe on the edge of the rocky volcano. Oh no, oh no, the tap shoe is floating away in the boiling hot lava. I sprinted away as fast as I could from the fast lava, but my binoculars were still near the green cold jungle. The binoculars got burnt when they sank into the red lava.

  4. Through the brilliant binoculars i can see a giant rugby field there are some high posts end on end. There are some brilliant teams playing at the terrific AMI stadium. the defending champions the Highlanders are taking on the Crusaders.The score is 12-7 to the crusaders at half time.In the second half the Highlanders came out with a fantastic try but the crusaders defense stayed strong for a crusaders win full time score was 26-23 to the crusaders.What a fantastic win from the crusaders.

  5. I can see a flying dragon. It is going to the snow mountains to see some snow. My dragon has big wide wings which help him fly long distance. When he reached the mountains they were white with snow and it was freezing cold. The dragon enjoyed playing, sliding and rolling down the snow mountains. When it started to get colder he flew back to his warm house. His house was so far away that I could no longer see him through my binoculars.

  6. I can see a volcano exploding like a sunset. It rumbles like an earthquake. I can see the lava melting like ice cream. I felt hot as a dragon blowing fire on me. The trees slowly burn like a hot bread burning down. The smoke is my nana smoking. The stones are black coal it reaches to the top of Mt Everest. My binoculars floated away in the steaming hot lava. I hide in a high litre cave with a secret door. I opened the brown rusty door. Wow it had a pile of gold footballs and a golden field in the cave there was a dark black Labrador. He loved to play football in his cave.

  7. I can see the glistening yellow stars. In the distance I can see one shinny star moving very slowly throw the dark blue sky. In the sky I can see the white moon but the moon is faded!

  8. Through the grey binoculars I can see our wonder class room I can see our easy math games. I can see my writing book I also can see my tote tray I love my classroom.

  9. Through my binoculars I see candy, lots of candy, a whole land of candy. Ginger bread houses are everywhere and squishy Gummi Bears are scattered around the land. An enormous castle is shading the gloomy city. Queen Gummi is descending from her carriage elegantly, she waves to the crowd watching her.

  10. sirennah

    through my red shiny binoculars i can see a rainbow butterfly flying in the beautiful blue sky and it is all mine and i like it because it is colorful and has all the colors of the rainbow like red orange yellow green blue and purple it flies around everywhere and when i whistle loud she comes back to my house i can also see her flying to her mum and dad and brothers and sisters and her name is Mrs Robertson.

  11. sirennah

    through my red shiny binoculars i can see a rainbow butterfly flying in the beautiful blue sky and it is all mine and i like it because it is colorful and has all the colors of the rainbow like red orange yellow green blue and purple it flies around everywhere and when i whistle loud she comes back to my house i can also see her flying to her mum and dad and brothers and sisters and her name is Mrs Robertson.
