Sunday 29 May 2016


This week in Writing we were learning how to use adverbs.
 We know adverbs describe the verb. Most of the time they end with 'ly' so we have only been practising these ones at the moment.
We use some charts to help us. The first few times we had to write simple sentences.  Then we had to add joining words with an adverb. Lastly, we moved on to writing full stories including our new skills.
They make our writing sound so exciting!

Koru Art

 We made cool Koru Art last week.  We had to gently blend the korus from red to orange to yellow. 

The koru (Māori for "loop") is a spiral shape based on the shape of a new unfurling silver fern frond and symbolising new life, growth, strength and peace. It is an important symbol in Māori art, carving and tattoos.

Thursday 26 May 2016

Cross Country

Last week Cross Country winners were presented with their trophies and certificates in the whole school assembly.  (Oakley was absent from assembly and placed third in his race too).  Well done, Room 11 runners!

Sunday 15 May 2016

'Show not Tell' Writing

Our focus in writing at the moment is to show not tell.  We have to give clues that tell us how we are feeling without saying that feeling!  It is fun being the detective trying to find the clues people have written.  We also look for the clues in our own reading books.  See if you can do this at home too!


Bully Free NZ

For the first part of this term we have been looking at Bullying which ties in with Bully Free NZ Week this week. We have discussed what bullying is and how it makes us feel.
We learned that bullying can be hurting someone on the inside as well as on the outside.  To demonstrate this we read a story called Chrysanthemum written by Kevin Henkes.  It is about a mouse called Chrysanthemum who gets teased because of her different name. Every time she got teased we had to crumple up our paper hearts that we had made.  At the end of the story we opened our hearts up and could see the damage it made and how we couldn't make them perfect again.

Before you speak... 
Think and be smart! 
You cannot fix a crumpled heart!

Thursday 12 May 2016

Writing Challenge #6

Your challenge this week is to use 'show not tell' writing to explain a time you were angry (made up or real).
 Remember you need to choose sentences and words which show me you are angry, without using the word angry! 
For example, you might say that you stomped your feet, or you slammed the door. 


This week Mrs Robertson was teaching us about warm and cool colours. We each chose a sea creature and used a ruler and vivid to create different shapes over the picture. We then chose whether we wanted a warm or cool background and coloured each individual shape in. Then we used the contrasting set of colours to colour in the sea creature. These were so easy and look fantastic. They were so much fun to do!

Sunday 1 May 2016