Thursday 12 May 2016

Writing Challenge #6

Your challenge this week is to use 'show not tell' writing to explain a time you were angry (made up or real).
 Remember you need to choose sentences and words which show me you are angry, without using the word angry! 
For example, you might say that you stomped your feet, or you slammed the door. 


  1. Slam! slam! slam! went my bedroom door as I stomped furiously into my room. I tipped out my desk drawer and threw my pens around the room. Crash, bang went the pens as they flew in the air and landed in my rubbish bin. I threw my bin around the room and threw all my dresses out and the last thing was I tipped out all of the stuff in my wardrobe. Whoosh went the covers as I tore them off my bed. I carefully opened my door very slowly so I could escape from the house and run away so I didn't have to see Harry and Ben anymore. Then I sneaked back into my room very, very silently. No-one heard me. Mum came into my room and I was hiding under my bed. Mum said "She is really gone. First we should look for her in the wardrobe." Then Mum spied something under the bed. Was it a teddy bear? No it was me! Mum gave me a cuddle to cheer me up and I felt much better after that.

  2. Crash! It broke! I put my hands on my hips and clenched my teeth together. My friend Terry had come to play at my house and he had broken my favourite toy. It was the first toy I had ever owned.
    I stomped my feet up and down and yelled at Terry. "Go home and never return! "
    I slammed the door behind him.
