Monday 29 February 2016

Writing Challenge #3

Your challenge is to...
Describe the monster!

Don't forget to use adjectives (describing words) to help explain your ideas.  

Extra for experts: Use the joining words 'so'  and 'which'  to explain what the different body parts you have described are used for.

Sunday 28 February 2016

Ddak Ji with Sohee

Last week was out last week with Sohee, our student teacher from Gongju University in Korea.
Sohee helped us with our reading, writing, maths and other classroom activities. We will miss having her in our class!

Sohee shared a traditional Korean game with us called Ddak Ji which she used to play when she was at primary school.  She taught us how to make the game pieces needed and then two different ways to play the game;

1. We made our game pieces using two different colours of thick card.  We had to fold the two pieces in exactly the same way then fold them together to create the inter-lapping square.

2. We played the game in a group using several smaller ddak ji.  We had to take turns hitting the small one in the middle with our larger ddak ji pieces.  If you flipped the ddak ji over you would win that piece.  The winner was the person who collected the most small pieces.

3.  We played the game in pairs using only our ddak ji pieces. If you turned the other persons ddak ji over you were the winner and could keep their ddak ji piece.

4.  Sohee wrote our names on our game piece in Korean!

Monday 22 February 2016

Last week in Room 11

Daily Writing:
We write a story together each day before independently writing in our books
.  Mrs Robertson models some skills and we all contribute writing the story
and brainstorming ideas together.
We know that adjectives are describing words and help create a better picture in the authors mind.

Every Friday we look at a different poem. 
We have learned that visualisation is an important skill involving 

seeing the pictures in your head when you read.
We look at rhyming words and spelling patterns within the poem.
We discuss what senses and interesting vocabulary the poet has used.


Kapa Haka 
 We go to Kapa Haka every Tuesday to learn different waiata and Maori dances.

Friday 12 February 2016

Kelly Sports

Kelly Sports on PhotoPeach
Today Kelly Sports came to school.  We had a skills session involving netball passes, hitting with a cricket bat and lots of relay races. 
Check your reading folders for a notice on how to join sessions every Wednesday.

Writing Challenge #2

Your challenge this week is to..... 
describe your favourite sport!
See if you can use the joining word 'because' to explain why you like it so much!
You can choose any sport not just the ones pictured.

Extra for experts: Include two adjectives (describing words)

Wednesday 10 February 2016

More Graphs

We have been continuing our statistics unit over the past week.  We have become very good at understanding the cycle.
1. Ask a question
2. Collect the data (tally charts, counting, sorting information)
3. Display the data (picture chart, bar graph)
4. Interpret the data (discuss what we found out)

Today Mrs Robertson gave us our own bag of m&ms.  We each had to make our own bar graph displaying the colour of m&ms in our packets.  Then....we got to eat them!
We had to remember titles and labels in our graphs and make statements explaining what we found out.

Saturday 6 February 2016

Inflatable Soccer Pitch

Ricardo from Christchurch Football Academy (CFA) came to school on Friday.  We had so much fun playing mini games of soccer.  Thank you Ricardo and CFA!

Soccer Fun on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Meet the Stars of Room 11

Meet Room 11 on PhotoPeach


We have been learning about how to sort data (information).

First of all we needed a question.  Our question was:
'What pets do the children in Room 11 own?" 

Then we had to work out the best way to collect the data (information/answers).
We tried all yelling out our pets but Mrs Robertson couldn't hear everyone at once. 
We went around in the circle saying the pets one at a time but Mrs Robertson lost count.
Mrs Robertson ruled up a quick tally chart to help collect the data and then recorded everyone's answers. We could easily see the totals.  We learned that when you do tally marks you put every fifth tally through the middle - it makes it easier to count!

Next we made a picture graph to display the data. 
We each coloured in the pictures of the types of pets we own and put them on the piece of paper.  We could tell straight away that there were more cats than any other pet because the line was much higher.  Mrs Robertson said we had to put some labels and titles on the graph because otherwise people wouldn't know what they were looking at.

The last thing we did was understand and interpret the data (discussed the results).  You can read these on the graph.

All About Me Writing

We have been learning about each other this week.
Mrs Robertson was proud of our great publishing skills. 

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Holiday Writing

We have been busy writing and illustrating a story about what we did in the holidays.  Here are some examples.  Come and check out the rest of our stories hanging in the classroom.